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Netflix Is A Joke Fest - Jimmy Carr

Why see Netflix Is A Joke Fest - Jimmy Carr?

a laugh like no other, it's jimmy carr!

With an increasing number of stand-up specials made especially for its roster (over 200 can be found on-site already), it makes sense that streaming heavyweight Netflix is taking its golden comedy formula to the stage. Finally taking place from April 28 to May 8, the first-ever Netflix Is A Joke Fest will leave LA in stitches at over 100 venues citywide, featuring the biggest and brightest established comics, as well as up and coming performers that are just itching to be discovered by new fans. Don't miss Jimmy Carr when he hits the Palace Theatre in May!

Known for his beaming smile and slightly odd laugh (hoo hoo hoo!), Jimmy Carr is one of the best British comedians on the circuit today. And as if constantly touring through the UK and rest of the world doesn't keep him busy enough, Carr is also a constant sight on the evening telly as he hosts - and is a regular participant in - some of Britain's favorite comedy game shows. His clean-cut appearance contrasts strongly with his deadpan, dark comedy, and if you haven't seen him perform live yet, you're in for a real treat.


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