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Netflix Is A Joke Fest - Larry David in Conversation

Why see Netflix Is A Joke Fest - Larry David in Conversation?

Larry David Talks!

With an increasing number of stand-up specials made especially for its roster (over 200 can be found on-site already), it makes sense that streaming heavyweight Netflix is taking its golden comedy formula to the stage. Finally taking place from April 28 to May 8, the first-ever Netflix Is A Joke Fest will leave LA in stitches at over 100 venues citywide, featuring the biggest and brightest established comics, as well as up and coming performers that are just itching to be discovered by new fans. Catch true living comedy legend, Larry David, in Conversation with an as yet to be announced host at the Greek Theatre on May 2.

Earning his place as one of the best comedy writers ever, Larry David is the man who gave us Seinfeld and the supreme Curb Your Enthusiasm. With an ability to find the humor, and mine it until you're about crying with laughter, any opportunity to be in the room with David is truly to be in the presence of greatness.


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