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Why see Moody Blues?

Rock Greats

For over forty years, The Moody Blues have been musical mainstays on concert stages, recordings and the airwaves. Their sound, which fuses classical elements with blues and rock 'n roll, has earned them over 70 million record sales!

With over 55 million albums sold, The Moody Blues have created a standard for classic rock music This. has brought them a priceless place in rock history as well as countless music awards including the NARM Number One World Group Award 1972, 18 platinum records, The Playboy Vocal Group of the Year Award, as well as ASCAP and Performance Awards, the Ivor novello Statue (1984 Outstanding Contribution to British Music).

The band formed in 1964 and have released an impressive 16 studio albums and 13 Billboard Top 40 hits in their forty year history.

Key Information


Finished Nov 1, 2013


Customer reviews

21 reviews, average rating: (4.2 Stars)


Moody Blues at Encore Theater, Vegas...10-5-18

I had a very different experience than some who wrote reviews from other nights. Attended Oct. 5 , 2018 performance. Would have been nice if it could have been done with full orchestra, but also would have been pretty expensive. The sound was excellent, vocals were great, screen and light during the Days Of Future Passed segment : really good. Hayward, Lodge clearly enjoyed themselves and were charismatic and gracious. Saw them in 1969 or 1970 in Detroit, and must say they still sing brilliantly, and their tunes are so melodic. The audience response was extremely positive. In all, it was beyond my expectations. I’m picky about concert quality, and I also am certain that most of the audience would have a positive reaction. Would be interesting to see comment from others that attended Oct. 5. ... Read more

Cheryl D


Loved it. Would see them again and again. Please come to Philadelphia Pa ... Read more


Good, not great

Like others in attendance at the Wynn/Encore MB concert this last week in Sept., we are devoted fans. I'm afraid I have to agree with some of the feelings of disappointment expressed by others.. This is the second time we've seen them at the Wynn/Encore. As with the first show we saw there, the recorded music, was, for the most part, WAY too loud...to the point of distortion. it was painful. Many around us used earplugs, tissues, or just plugged their ears. Then there were the spotlights scanning the crowd...not only did they distracting, but more than once we experienced temporary blindness. Very disappointing. At both events, we found the distorted, painful sound and blinding lights were a topic among other attendees as we walked out afterwards. I'm afraid we attribute much of the disappointment to the Wynn/Encore. We have seen the MB perform at many other venues and never experienced the issues. We love the Moodies but I doubt we'd see them again at the Wynn/Encore. ... Read more


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